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Explore the deep blue UNESCO-listed Geirangerfjord 

The area’s unique natural surroundings were created over a succession of ice ages, when glaciers carved out deep fjords and shaped the high mountains. With its natural beauty, it's no surprise that Geirangerfjord often appears on lists of the most spectacular places in the world.

Impressive waterfalls cascade down steep mountainsides. The famous falls De syv søstrene (“the Seven Sisters”), Friaren (“the Suitor”) and Brudesløret (“the Bridal Veil”) plunge down to the fjord in a haze of feather‐light mist. 

The falls create a never-ending display of rainbow colours. In addition to the scenery, there are numerous opportunities for hiking and other outdoor fun.

The area's many small-scale manufacturers of food and drink include Geiranger Brewery, partly based in a boathouse, and Hellesylt Boutique & Bar, whose quirky menu features licorice-flavoured meringues.

Getting here and around

Get additional travel information on Geirangerfjord’s official website.

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